
Notes and readings for STL workshop

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  1. Introduction
  2. What are templates?
  3. Containers
    1. Vectors
    2. Iterators
    3. Sets
      1. Unordered Sets
      2. Multiset
    4. Maps
      1. Unordered Maps
      2. Multimap
    5. Pairs & Tuples
    6. Queue
      1. Priority Queue
    7. Stack
    8. Bitset
  4. In-built functions
    1. next_permutation()
    2. max_element()
    3. min_element()
    4. binary_search()
    5. lower_bound()
    6. upper_bound()
    7. sort()
    8. reverse()
    9. set_union()
    10. set_intersection()
    11. set_difference()
    12. max() & min()
    13. is_sorted()
  5. Solutions to problem
    1. Second Year Pains-KJCP02
    2. Sorting Tool-KJCPR
    3. Snake Eat-SNAKEEAT
    4. Ipc Trainers-IPCTRAIN
    5. Chef Subseq-CHEFCODE